Something about me

I am Shuning. “Shu” in Chinese means “book” and “ning” means “tranquility”. Obviously my parents wanted me to be a peaceful intellectual. However, I AM NOT.  I suspect that I was a bit more naive and idealistic than most.


I am a little adventurous.  Well, like horse riding, I really enjoying riding although I am not good at it.  I also like skiing, but I always fall down. The only hobby which I am good at is cooking. I can cook various Chinese dishes.


I am study in digital and social media.  I think media students should be sociability when they are in class. But that’s too difficult for me!!!  Most of the time, I couldn’t even understand what the tutor was saying. Especially when my classmates are discussing recent news. Please!!! I feel helpless when new thing comes before me, Don’t make a laugh at me.

I love going to zoo, particularly when I am stressful.  Animals could purified and relaxed my mind. I have one cat and one dog, they are gentle and all have kong hair.



This is my third semester, I am looking forward but nervous.

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